Smraza Uno R3 Starter Kit for Arduino with 200pcs Components compatible with Arduino UNO Mega2560
Smraza Uno R3 Starter Kit for Arduino with 200pcs Components compatible with Arduino UNO Mega2560 is an Arduino-compatible kit suitable to develop applications of many types, including those for home automation and the Internet of Things.
Smraza Uno R3 Starter Kit for Arduino with 200pcs Components compatible with Arduino UNO Mega2560, more information
UNO Starter Kit for Arduino helps you learn Arduino knowledge and DIY 28 projects.
Commonly used components for Arduino: Include UNO R3 board, Flame Sensor, Stepper Motor and common parts.
Add Extension board and GPIO extension board: These two boards added specially which makes your project start more easily.
1602 LCD Display module: With Replacing the 16u2(usb chip): Increased extended pin header and no need to solder by yourself.
It fully compatible with Raspberry Pi, Smraza provide the detailed tutorial(with 10 Lessons) to help you begin your projects.