Seeedstudio Wio Link Deluxe Kit

Seeedstudio Wio Link Deluxe Kit Seeedstudio Wio Link Deluxe Kit is a package full of lots frequently required functional modules for someone who intends to do some real project or make a prototype to use and monitor throught the Internet of Things.

Seeedstudio Wio Link Deluxe Kit, more information

This kit is a full package of lots frequently required functional modules for someone who intends to do some real project or make a prototype. It contains sensors(mainly), switching-function modules, servo motors, LED strip and a speaker. The most amazing part of this kit is the Wio Link development board which can be utilized for various devices: without a bit programming skill required. All the actions you want your modules performed and the flashing-code operation to Wio Link could be completed with taps in a mobile app. And you can send instructions to your devices over Internet at anywhere. So Wio Link will be perfect utility to making things around smarter for everyone.


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Index Internet of Things