M5Stack ESP32 M5GO IoT Starter Kit with ESP32 16M Flash, MPU9250 Motion Sensor, 550mAh Lithium Battery and Grove Cables for MicroPython/Arduino Programming Over Internet and DIY

M5Stack ESP32 M5GO IoT Starter Kit with ESP32 16M Flash, MPU9250 Motion Sensor, 550mAh Lithium Battery and Grove Cables for MicroPython/Arduino Programming Over Internet and DIY M5Stack ESP32 M5GO IoT Starter Kit with ESP32 16M Flash, MPU9250 Motion Sensor, 550mAh Lithium Battery and Grove Cables for MicroPython/Arduino Programming Over Internet and DIY M5Stack ESP32 M5GO IoT Starter Kit with ESP32 16M Flash, MPU9250 Motion Sensor, 550mAh Lithium Battery and Grove Cables for MicroPython/Arduino Programming Over Internet and DIY is a kit to develop solutions for the Internet of Things.

Note. This kit is produced and sold by Makerfocus in the USA and by MakerHawk in Europe. Their features are exactly the same.



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Index Internet of Things